Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hola compadres,

We are back from Mexico, and it was amazing. I experienced so much and learned so much. More than I could ever put in a lifeless blog. So, for that reason, I would love for anyone that would like to hear all about what went on during those 8 days in Mexico to either call me up or email me and we'll schedule a meeting over coffee or lunch or whatever.

Just to hook you a bit, I will tell a little. . I saw the Living God work through me in ways that he has never before. I saw my team be filled my the love and grace of Jesus. I lead a family to the greatest love relationship they will ever know through the power of Christ. And I saw a new church be encouraged to be a missional church of prayer and love. It was absolutely amazing. I really didn't want to leave at the end of the week and neither did my team.

There is so much more to tell. If you are interested in meeting up, give me a call or an email (246-4779,

Thank you to all who supported me. Pray that He continues to reign in my life, that the love of Jesus would flow out of me like sweat.

Friday, March 12, 2010

SOAR and Evangelism

I know its been awhile since I have blogged, and I am sure the three readers that I have would like to see what I am up to, so forgive me for leaving you in the dark.

This past week was my spring break from FPU. It's been really nice, but I wish the break was the normal spring break that everyone gets (the week before Easter.) That makes so much more since to me. Anyway, I have worked almost 8 hours everyday this week which is something I don't think I have ever done. I have to admit though, I like it. On normal weeks, I would have to leave work and go to my classes, which isn't too inconvenient (it's across the street.) But, it wouldn't be solid strait work.

I like working on projects and getting things done, especially things that I love to do. This week I have been doing a lot of organizing this SOAR Mexico team. We have the teams set, and my team is awesome. It's called the Open Air Evangelistic Team. Those of you who know me, that is right up my ally.

This team is going to be in San Isidero, Guadalajara, Mexico. We are going to be doing skits, teaching, loving, games, and proclaiming the Gospel. I am so excited for this trip. We are going to working with kids to youth and all the way up to adults.

A little side note. This week I have been blessed to have a few conversations with an Indian pastor from Hyderbad, India named Yesu and Phone Keo, a pastor and missionary who works in Thailand and Laos. Both are known for their gifts of Evangelism.

I have met Yesu twice now. He is a really great guy. Our first meeting, we walked over to the Seminary and he showed me a map of India. He told me that in India there are 27 different states and each one has a different language, religion, culture, you name it it's different. It's not like America where we go to a different state. The least we have to worry about is their weird accent or their opposing football team. In India everything is different, it's almost like going to a completely different country.

To evangelize in his country, you make a relationship. A relationship that you truly care about. You don't push Jesus upon him, or shout it on street corners. You just befriend a person. As the relationship grows, the person starts to realize how different you are. You invite them over for dinner and then they realize how different your home is from everyone else's. Then, when he asks what makes you different, thats your opening. That's your way in to introduce them to the Savior of the world.

In Thailand, Phone Keo was telling me stories of how he used words of knowledge and affirmation into peoples live to show them how great they really are. He was telling me about how he was talking to this girl that was really mad for some reason. He said that you are very beautiful, but your frown makes you ugly. The girl said, "No one has ever told me that before." After talking to her for an hour or two and telling her things that Phone Keo could of never known, she gave her life to Jesus. She realized that her life could never of been fulfilled without the Savior.

For me, thats the kind of stuff I live for. I feel my calling to go globally and bring the Love of Christ. I devote my life to Jesus and wherever we wants to take me. I'm ready!

SOAR is my next mission. Pray for me. Pray that I would be filled with the Holy Spirit and He would control every move that I make, every word that I say. Thank you to all my supporters.


Monday, January 18, 2010

My First Week

My internship is going awesome. I have been put in charge of getting flights to Guadalajara. This was a more difficult task then what I previously assumed, but nevertheless the internet makes things like this task simpler than it should be. I think the real problem is that I don't know what exactly I'm looking for, but it's all a learning experience.

The team that is already in Mexico, has sent us a packet of things we need to know before we go down there so that we are prepared to serve. There are things like common Spanish phrases that will be helpful, and things that we should come expecting. In the packet, there is a section of research questions and statistics. One of the questions we should know is the difference between Christianity and Roman Catholicism.

I've been wrestling with this question more than I thought I would have. For some of us, this is an obvious answer, and others it's not so obvious. I've come to the conclusion that Catholicism, which a giant percentage of the population in Guadalajara claim to be of, is a religion. Ok, I know some of you reading this are thinking that Christianity is just as much a religion as anything else, but that's just how it appears on the outside.

Those following Jesus, or Christians, know what I am talking about. That following Jesus isn't a religion that we proclaim to be "in faith of." It is the greatest love relationship we could ever be apart of. I have a Catholic friend, and the way he describes Jesus compared to the way I do, is so vastly different that it seems as if we are talking about two different Jesus'. I'm pretty sure there aren't two different Jesus', nor does Jesus appear to some one way and others another way.

Jesus Christ is God the Son. And God is love, so why does seem as if the "Jesus" of other "religions" is just someone who wasn't what we expected, or someone that tells us what to do and if we don't, we will suffer eternal damnation. I don't think Jesus is either one of these.

Jesus is our Savior, our King, and most important, our True Lover. Jesus doesn't force us to do anything, nor does he tell us we will suffer in hell forever if we don't follow his law down to a T. Our efforts at being perfect will never save us, only truly accepting Jesus as our Savior, Leader, King, and Lover, gives us life with our Maker.

Jesus, if we let him through the Holy Spirit (that other part of God, transforms us into people who desire to live a life of righteousness and purity, and of service and love. God wants us all, thats why He sent His Son to take the death we deserve thus giving us the choice to live in Heaven for eternity with Him. It's just our choice.

When we give in to Him, we don't all of a sudden have a perfect and easy life. The Bible actually says that as Christians we will be persecuted and endure suffering. But as we serve our Leader with love and fully committed hearts, we find that the lives we gave up, our fulfilled in Christ.

In Shane Claiborne's book, The Irresistible Revolution, he asks that "If heaven and hell didn't exist, would you still follow Jesus?" He said that he would. I have really wrestled with this since I've read the book, and I think now I can say that I definitely would.

Monday, January 4, 2010

MBMSI Internship Support Letter

December 2009

Dear Friends and Family,

This summer I got a chance to serve with Mountain View Community Church in Port Alberni, British Columbia. While I was there, my team ran a sports camp for the community. I had the privilege of praying with 2 kids to begin a relationship with Jesus. This was my first time ever leading someone to Christ. Now, every opportunity I have to pray with someone to become a Christian, I believe God is empowering me to share the Gospel.

When I gave my life to Jesus about two and a half years ago, I didn’t really understand what a walk with Jesus was all about. I’m learning that God wants us to serve Him wholeheartedly and with everything within us.

Since attending Fresno Pacific University, I met Mark Thompson, the mission organizer at Mennonite Brethren Missions and Services International (also known as MBMSI). He has offered me an internship for the spring semester with MBMSI.

I have a heart for missions and evangelism and feel God is calling me to go outside of my comfort zone. This internship will do that. I will help lead and attend Soar Mexico (Mar 25-Apr 2), help coordinate summer mission teams going to Thailand, Peru, and possibly Brazil.

At MBMSI, the staff members are asked to raise salaries and support for their positions. I need to raise $3.500 for the entire spring semester to cover my salary, mission, and ministry expenses.

There are 3 different ways to support me:
• Monthly donation
• One Time Donation
• Pray for me regularly

I have enclosed an envelope that you can use to make a monthly or one time donation. Please fill out the card tear-off and send it with your gift within the envelope. Address the check with my project code: 997800 in the memo. If you prefer to make a credit card donation, please call Kathy in the Fresno office (559) 456-4600. Or, if you have additional questions, please contact me. My email address is and I have started a blog to update on what I am doing at My cell phone number is (559) 246-4779. Thank you for your prayers and your generous gifts.

Blessings in the name of Jesus,

Weston Smart

PS- This letter is being mailed to friends and family. If you wish to support me in my internship, you can contact me at my cell phone, or better yet, email me with your address and i will be glad to send you a support letter.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

In the Beginning. . .

So, if by the title you assumed I was going to talk about the book of Genesis or something, you were too quick to think. Although, genesis has something to do with my first blog. I have breathed the words, then I actually made it happen. Sometimes, I breath the words, then because of my lack of divinity, nothing actually happens. For instance, I'm going to start my homework early this week. . . Like that is going to happen. Its funny how easy it is to say, and then not do. Like whats the point to saying what we know we aren't going to do. I know I am totally guilty of doing this, but I am just wondering why its so common. Jesus predicted his death 3 times. Every time he did, someone would pipe up and say, "Hey no you ain't Jesus! (the disciples also had bad grammar) We are just getting started here." One time, the argument got so intense, Jesus called Peter "Satan" of all things. Now, if I remember right, Peter ends up starting the church, adding 3,000 to it in a day, heals people with his shadow, becomes the first pope, and so on (and with credit to the other apostles as well.) Anyhow, Peter definitely wasn't Satan. So, should be calling ourselves Satan when we go back on our word or try to make others go back on their's. Of course there are certain circumstances where we should go back on our word, but what about when we say one thing and do another. It reminds me of the Pharisees. They were the ultimate say-one-thing-and-anotherers. As Christians, we are sometimes labeled as hypocrites. Say one thing and do another is the exact definition of hypocrite. So, lets take a step back, and see why we are being called Pharisees by everyone else. Lets show the world another way of living, not just another way of talking.